Monday, February 21, 2011

A Mercy Grad!!!

Hello everyone!!!
I'm home for good now!
I've missed being able to write on this blog; I'll still be giving updates on how life is going after Mercy.
Well, so far so good. I've had a bit of trouble settling in. My Uncle Brad and Aunt Emily came from China to stay at my house, along with their 3 rambunctious children, Emily's Dad (who doesn't speak a word of English) and his wife, June, and their son Issac (who acted as an interpreter).
To make matters even more complicated for a former Anorexic, the Yangs- Emily's side of the family- took over the entire kitchen. Rare red meat, greasy fried rice usually accompanied a meal, as well as foreign soup with a disturbing looking broth with oil floating on the surface. You can imagine the time I had trying to adjust after Mercy's fresh and organic menu.

Food aside, Brad, Emily and their children were a delight to be around. Katrina is the youngest of the three (and probably the most adorable little girl on this planet); Lance and Helen are around the same age, and were adopted at birth. This was Helen's first trip to the United States, and she was our little guest of honor; I had never met her in person before! I had seen Lance a few times before, each time he seems to grow more and more charming.
Now normally, kids aren't really my thing, in fact, I tend to avoid them if at all possible. But these kids gravitated towards me- simply put, they adored me!
We had a blast running around Costco, hopping from one sample table to the next, and doing science experiments together (Chinese children are EXTREMELY intelligent!). Lance even gave me a violin lesson, though my form isn't quite as technically correct as his- I swear, this kid is going to be a musical genius! I managed to learn a variation of twinkle twinkle...a very squeaky twinkle twinkle.
Oh my goodness, Katrina is a crack up! My Grandma told me over the phone that Katrina was the ultimate girlie-girl and loooooved dresses. I said, "I have a feeling we're going to get along." I couldn't be more right. The funniest story is probably when her mother dressed her in a navy blue dress. Katrina comes walking into the room, trying to take off the dress while bellowing," It's so ugly! I can't wear this, IT'S UGLY!!!" Well, at least she has an early knowledge of fashion sense- these things are important to learn at a young age. =]

So, at the moment, I'm job hunting like a mad woman (starbucks being my first choice). Pray that I'm hired soon, soon, soon!!!
Now that my house is back to normal, I've been unpacking, reorganizing, and sprucing up my room a bit.
I've had a difficult time staying in the Word as much as I did at Mercy, but prayer is a habit that has really stuck with me. God has given me such a dose of peace concerning this new chapter of my life. His timing is always, always perfect. He has the perfect job lined up, and I have faith that He is saving that position just for me, because He knows where I will be happiest.