Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm up for the Test

Hey everyone!
Gosh, I can't believe it's been almost 4 months since I left for Mercy!
Well, I'm on pass for this Thanksgiving weekend, so I'm finally able to blog again. At Mercy all the girls are isolated in order to focus on complete recovery and healing.
I started an audio/video journal at Mercy. I've found that it's much easier for me to talk out my feeling, than to write it all out. I'll try my best to post them this weekend, but remember, I'm only here for a few days and I have much to do...and very little time.
I will be home for a much longer break on Dec. 14th! I'll be staying through Jan. 5th!
I plan on posting a bunch of stories (don't worry, no names will be's a confidentiality thing) of my challenges and victories at Mercy.
Until then, I can only say, "I'm not where I should be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be" -Joyce Meyer

I love you all!
I couldn't make it through this program if it wasn't for all your prayers!
Thanks so much =]
~Rachelle Joy